Self Portrait
gouache and pencil on paper
Butterfly Kisses
gouache and pencil on paper
Justice music video
charcoal and paint on paper, 2:02 minutes, 2020
1900 painted animation frames for Justice music video, 2020
Solar Body, solo show at museum Galeria Libertad, Queretero, Mexico, 2021
Blossom trailer
Pencil on paper, 11:04 minutes, 2019
Blossom animation frames exhibited at the museum Galeria Libertad, 2021
Too Old To Die Young music video
Pencil on paper, 4:37 minutes, 2011
Too Old To Die Young animation frames exhibited at Video Fag Gallery, Toronto, ON, 2013
Beneath The Air music video
4:26 minutes, paint on paper, 2014
Beneath The Air music video
animation frames, exhibited at Video Fag Gallery, Toronto, 2014
Beneath The Air music video animation frames, exhibited at Renann Isaacs Contemporary Art Gallery, Guelph ON, 2016
Beneath The Air music video animation frames, exhibited at the museum Galeria Libertad, Queretero, Mexico, 2021
Solar Body
Infinite Loop, paint on canvas, 2021
Solar Body animation frames, exhibited at the museum Galeria Libertad, Queretero, Mexico, 2021
El Agua
Short animated documentary
Oaxaca, Mexico, 2020